Our Teams
The ministry of the Financial Team is to nurture the financial vitality of the congregation and help members of the congregation embrace a life of responsible stewardship and extravagant generosity.
The role of the Finance Team is not to set the spending priorities of the church but to facilitate this congregation-wide activity of discerning, planning, and budgeting for God’s mission. This team will be transparent in their relationship with money, think missionally about budgeting and fundraising, and engage in certain financial best practices.
Team Responsibilities
- Compile annual budget
- Provide guidance to all church team budgets
- Raise sufficient income to meet the budget
- Review policies and procedures related to church finances
- Prepare the annual audit
- Administer and disperse funds
- Oversee stewardship
- Discern the purpose/role of fundraisers
- Use contributions in accordance with donors’ intent
- Stewardship
- Endowment