We invite you to walk with us by joining us for worship.
Holy Manners

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors


Holy Manners

According to John Wesley, this is one means of grace. Others that he names include Prayer, Searching the Scriptures, and Receiving the Lord’s Supper.


    others as Jesus would have done when he was here on earth.

  • PRAY

    for others as well as yourself especially those with whom you disagree.


    to others before thinking about what you want to say in response.


    what others are saying so clearly that you could accurately state their view.


    your own point of view with grace and humility, as well as honesty and candor.


    your comments on issues being discussed not on persons expressing them.


    yourself to the unity of the Spirit seeking consensus whenever possible.

  • GIVE

    the time needed to work through the process in which you are engaged.


    that you may be wrong, even when you think you are right.

Allow the Fruit of the Spirit to permeate your way of interacting with others through: